greenville, Sc
April And May 2025

*Very Limited SPace*

Fun Fact: I am a total fangirl! My favorite movie is Disney's Tangled. I absolutely adore anything bronze, ivory or dusty pink. I also LOVE all things vintage! A circle skirt and flowy 1940's style blouse are my kryptonite.
Check out my YouTube channel Here to get to know me more! 

"From wedding bells to fun filled family time or even a celebratory grad session, it would be my honor to capture IT ALL!" 

It's a joy to meet you! Thanks so much for stopping by my corner here on the internet. I am a vintage wearing, Jesus loving twenty something who just happens to have my dream job! From wedding bells to fun filled family time, or even a celebratory grad session, it would be my honor to capture it all!

Hi there, I'm Sarah!

These are a few of my                                                        

favorite things...


favorite Season:

Vanilla-Spiced Chai (Christmas in a Cup)

favorite COffee:

Udon Noodle Soup

favorite food:

Kyoto, Japan

favorite city:

Our Puppy Cosmo

favorite floof:

Kyoto, Japan

favorite city:

Kyoto, Japan

favorite City:

Kyoto, Japan

favorite city:

favorite Moment:

Starting This Business

The Day I Married My Dearest Love.

favorite Moment 2 :

Starting This Business

favorite Moment
1 :

These are a few of my                                                        

favorite things...


favorite Season:

Vanilla-Spiced Chai (Christmas in a Cup)

favorite Tea:

Kyoto, Japan

favorite city:

Udon Noodle Soup

favorite food:

Starting This Business

favorite Moment 1:

The Day I Married My Dearest Love.

favorite Moment 2:

Our Puppy

favorite Floof:

Houston, Tx


Ashville, NC

Places my camera has traveled with me!


Nacogdoches, TX

Odessa, tx

Austin, tx

C Stat, tx

Humboldt, Ks

Hot Springs, Ak

There are still many places I Long to go!!!

Greenville, sc

Columbia, Sc

Charleston, Sc


charlotte, NC

Gulf Shores, AL

  • Netherlands
  • The UK 
  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Iceland

Orlando, Fl

Galveston, tx

Washinton, DC

Kyoto, Japan

tokyo, Japan

Nagano, Japan



GRand Tetons, WG

YellowStone National Park, WG

Releigh, NC

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